Autor: patrick

  • Intel Boot Guard

    So some innocent post on the coreboot mailing list managed to make some waves. The problem Intel tries to solve… Intel Boot Guard is the latest effort in a long series by Intel and others to allow computers to provide some reliable information about the state a computer is in. They’re working on it since…

  • Reversing USB protocols

    I’m resumed working out the behaviour of the Dediprog EM100Pro, an SPI flash emulator. It comes with a Windows driver and application to control it, and I worked on an Open Source tool for Linux in the past. Now I’m back at it and working on the more advanced features the tool supports: It’s able…

  • gerrit account merge

    == updated version available == As mentioned before I’m the admin of coreboot’s code review system which uses the fine Gerrit tool. One recurring issue is that its user registration is automatic, so when you login with some OpenID provider (like Yahoo, Google, or your own) that you haven’t used before, you get a new…

  • eduroam für Fernstudenten

    Viele deutsche Universitäten arbeiten gemeinsam im Rahmen des deutschen Forschungsnetzes an ihrer Infrastruktur. Eine dieser Infrastrukturen heißt eduroam. Es handelt sich um eine Möglichkeit, sich in fremden Uninetzen – zum Beispiel dem WLAN – mit seinen Zugangsdaten der Heimatuni sicher anzumelden. Leider gibt es einige Details in der Konfiguration, die mich eine halbe Stunde Bastelei…

  • Random Hack: Identify services that use outdated libraries on Linux

    With the GnuTLS bugfixes recently, I faced the issue to restart services that depended on it: After updating the library, daemons still run the old version until restarted. I think I’ve seen this automated in some distribution, but it’s nice to know where those tools fetch their data. I also didn’t want to restart them…

  • Random Hack: Calculations in GNU make

    I built an efficient algorithm for decimal addition in GNU make last year. While I won’t vouch for its production quality (on the other hand: why not?), it’s too cute a hack to hide from the world. Unlike other implementations, this isn’t using unary encoding, and as such doesn’t suffer from their limitations. While unary…

  • Adventures with Intel VT-d (IOMMU)

    After spending a couple of weeks of implementing VT-d support in the Muen Kernel, it finally worked today: A device was passed through to a Linux guest while undesired accesses (initiated by the UEFI firmware’s USB driver during hand-over) were blocked and reported. The last issue, which took a week to debug, was that the…

  • Wahlrecht

    Das deutsche Wahlrecht hat so seine Besonderheiten, zum Beispiel die 5%-Hürde. Diese "gute" Tradition wurde auch bei der Europawahl in Deutschland eingeführt, vom Bundesverfassungsgericht für diese Wahl für ungültig erklärt, um mit einer 3%-Hürde ersetzt zu werden, die dem Bundesverfassungsgericht wieder nicht gefallen hat. Das Urteil ist leider noch nicht online verfügbar, so dass ich…

  • Gerrit/OpenID woes

    I’m maintaining the gerrit instance on, and we encounter weird issues every now and then. Many of them are related to its OpenID implementation. We use OpenID to avoid having to maintain another database full of login credentials, and shifting the nastier parts of account management (like storing passwords) elsewhere is a good thing…

  • Tunneling svnserve through SSH the right way[tm]

    I had to setup some SVN repositories in a quite restrictive network today: HTTP works through proxy, and SSH is available. Options: Setup web access (downside: harder to manage with write access) Use svn+ssh protocol (downside: spawns a separate server process that tries to use the repo) Use ssh port forwarding (downside: SSH must be…

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