Kategorie: software

  • User behavior analysis in Open Source

    I’ve been nerd sniped into thinking about Telemetry in Open Source. Eugenia certainly has a point in that Telemetry is a four letter word in Open Source, and deservedly so: Most telemetry seems designed to collect data first, figure out what to do with it second. Besides being in violation with a fair amount of…

  • Forth für große Projekte, 2021

    Ich habe mir in der letzten Zeit mal wieder Forth näher angesehen, mit Hinblick darauf, es für „große“ Projekte einzusetzen. In bestimmten eingebetteten Bereichen oder für explorative Entwicklung ist es weiterhin ungeschlagen, aber für große Projekte sind andere Sprachen und Umgebungen vermutlich besser geeignet. Interessanterweise liegt das daran, dass andere Sprachen eine bessere Verwaltung des…

  • Using qemu userspace emulation to build Debian packages for other architectures

    In my attempt to avoid overloading my poor new Pinebook (some cheap arm64 laptop) with builds, I tried setting up a build environment on my more powerful x86-64 based machines. For consistency I’m looking for a Debian package builder (since the machine is running Debian), and I know that pbuilder is a reasonable tool for…

  • UEFI memory mapping

    Recently I got into UEFI (TianoCore) development. One of UEFI’s properties is that a part of it survives the OS load and remains resident to provide a limited set of firmware services to the OS. Its predecessor, PCBIOS, provided software interrupt services that ran in real-mode – with the effect that every operating system since…

  • Reverse SSL proxies, HTTP2 and connection coalescing

    I’m maintaining a bunch of servers and, where possible, services are moved into containers. Ideally those containers do their own SSL handling when listening on ports and in case of heavily overloaded services – such as https, since every domain comes with a webserver these days, there needs to be some de-multiplexing in the frontend.…

  • Notes on my Go HTTP server

    I’m currently building a Single Page App in Angular (TypeScript) which is backed by a bundle of services provided via HTTP. Rather typical I’d say. It’s a good opportunity to brush up on my Go skills, which are rather basic so far. So to make sure I won’t forget the things I learned today, some…

  • „bad listen address format“ docker error on Debian (and elsewhere)

    I just encountered an issue on my Debian sid ("unstable") system where docker wouldn’t start due to incompatibilities between its components. On my search on the net, I found various proposals to just downgrade containerd, but I thought that’s kinda lame (and it’s also tedious to make sure that all the dependencies are still met…

  • Reversing USB protocols

    I’m resumed working out the behaviour of the Dediprog EM100Pro, an SPI flash emulator. It comes with a Windows driver and application to control it, and I worked on an Open Source tool for Linux in the past. Now I’m back at it and working on the more advanced features the tool supports: It’s able…

  • Adventures with Intel VT-d (IOMMU)

    After spending a couple of weeks of implementing VT-d support in the Muen Kernel, it finally worked today: A device was passed through to a Linux guest while undesired accesses (initiated by the UEFI firmware’s USB driver during hand-over) were blocked and reported. The last issue, which took a week to debug, was that the…

  • Windows 7: Erste Erfahrungen

    Seit gestern läuft Windows 7 (RC) auf meinem Notebook – statt XP mit OpenSolaris im Multiboot. Um meinen gelegentlichen Bedarf für eine Unix-artige Umgebung zu decken, ist Debian in einer Virtualbox installiert. Windows Live Mail mag die coreboot Mailingliste, mit ihren OpenPGP-Mail-Schreibern immer noch nicht, aber Windows Live Writer scheint gut zu funktionieren… Insgesamt macht…

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